
Bountea Fungal Activator

SKU: BN1401
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Fungal Activator is a blend of quality ingredients formulated to boost the growth of beneficial fungal microorganisms in compost and compost tea.  It helps restore soil ecology for improved plant vitality.  It is a specialist component of the Bountea Growing System and creates the right soil ecology for the growth of most shrubs, trees and perennial plants.   Fungal Activator contains NO sugars.
  • Boosts the growth of beneficial fungi – increases their concentration and resilience
  • Creates a fungally dominant compost tea beneficial for fibrous or woody stems
  • Use to pretreat humus for more prolific fungal growth, see back label for Pre Culture Inoculating instructions.
  • Beneficial fungi increase the plants uptake of essential nutrients (P, K, and Ca) and sequesters CO2 into the soil and out of the air
  • Helps plants develop flowers and fruit