ARBICO Organics

Root Build 240 - 1 lb.

SKU: ARBC-1135004
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ARBICO Organics Root Build 240 is a micronized mycorrhizal blend suitable for most crops!

Soil preparation is imperative when readying plants and the growing environment for the upcoming season! ARBICO Organics Root Build 240 provides a mixture of mycorrhizae that aids most plants establish themselves. Mycorrhizal fungi form symbiotic relationships with plant roots to stimulate the development of healthy, strong root systems throughout the growing season. Roots of over 90% of plants on earth form this beneficial relationship with mycorrhizae. The blend of ectomycorrhizal and endomycorrhizal fungal species in Root Build 240 is carefully mixed with other organic components and is suitable for use in a wide variety of soils and climates. The result is a replenished natural microbial system on the roots of inoculated plants that increases crop productivity, quality and sustainability. In addition, Root Build 240 helps reduce the effects of transplant shock while promoting extensive root growth.

Benefits of Root Build 240:

Accelerates & increases plant growth.
Improves transplant success & reduces transplant shock.
Increases nutrient/water absorption.
Helps plants fight disease & promotes drought/salinity resilience.
Directions for Use: The mycorrhizae should be placed so that new roots will come into contact with the mycorrhizal spores. For additional instructions and specific application rates, see the Instructions Sheet or refer to the Instructions Tab to the right (desktop) or below (mobile).

The following is a condensed list of families and species that pair with endomycorrhizae (arbuscular mycorrhizae): Acacia, Agapanthus, Alder, Alfalfa, Almond, Apple, Apricot, Artichoke, Ash, Asparagus, Avocado, Bamboo, Basil, Bayberry, Bean, Begonia, Black Locust, Blackberry, Box Elder, Bulbs, Burning Bush, Cacao, Cactus, Camellia, Carrot, Cassava, Ceanothus, Cedar, Celery, Cherry, Chrysanthemum, Citrus (all), Clover, Coconut, Coffee, Coral Tree, Corn, Cotton, Cottonwood, Cucumber, Currant, Cypress, Dogwood, Eggplant, Elm, Euonymus, Fern, Fescue, Fig, Forsythia, Fountain Grass, Fuchsia, Gardenia, Garlic, Geranium, Grapes (all), Grass, Hibiscus, Holly, Impatiens, Jojoba, Juniper, Kiwi, Leek, Lettuce, Lily, Magnolia, Mahogany, Mahonia, Mango, Maples (all), Marigold, Melons (all), Mesquite, Millet, Morning Glory, Nasturtium, Okra, Olive, Onion, Pacific Yew, Palms (all), Pampas Grass, Papaya, Passion Fruit, Paulownia, Paw Paw, Pea, Peach, Peanut, Pear, Pecan, Pepper, Pistachio, Pittosporum, Plum, Poinsettia, Potato, Poplar, Raphiolepis, Raspberry, Redwood, Rice, Rose, Russian Olive, Ryegrass, Sagebrush, Sourwood, Soybean, Squash Strawberry, Sudan Grass, Sugar Cane, Sumac, Sunflower, Sweet Gum, Sweet potato, Sycamore, Tea, Tobacco, Tomato, Walnut, Wheat, Yam, Yucca.

Ectomycorrhizal species include: Pine, Spruce, Fir, Oak, Birch, Beech, Willows, Pecan, Poplar and Eucalyptus.