ARBICO Organics

BT Now BTk Insecticide - conc - gallon - 7050-1

SKU: ARBC-1201220
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Using a particular strain of Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki, BT NOW provides broad spectrum control for a long list of Lepidoptera pests that feed on a wide variety of plants. This biopesticide works by introducing bacterial spores and toxins into the body of the insect larvae as it feeds on foliage. These toxins quickly disrupt, and soon completely stop, normal digestive functions of the pest insect. The infected larvae will cease eating within minutes and fully succumb to the effects of the BTK and die within 2-5 days.

BT NOW is most effective when applied during the active feeding stage of larval life. For best results, carefully monitor your crops to identify target pest infestations. Apply as soon as insects are found or when there are the first signs of feeding. Cover all foliage completely and repeat applications as needed to maintain control.

Water-based formulation for easy measuring and use
Low resistance potential
Stabilized with UV inhibitors
MRL (Maximum Residue Limit) exempt
Not harmful to pollinators and beneficials
4-hour REI (Restricted Entry Interval) and 0-day PHI (Pre-Harvest Interval)
A good choice for IPM programs
Compatible with many commonly used fertilizers, pesticides and adjuvants
Can be used on the following plants:
Alfalfa and other nongrass feeds, Pome and Stone Fruits, Tree Nuts, Citrus Fruits, Small Fruits and Berries, Bananas, Subtropical Fruits with inedible peels, Kiwi and Pineapple, Root and Tuber Vegetables, Bulb Vegetables, Fruiting Vegetables, Lawns/Turf, Legumes, Leafy Vegetables, Cucurbit Vegetables, Artichokes, Asparagus, Malanga, Watercress, Basil, Dill, Oregano Thyme, Peppermint, Avocados Rice, Cotton, Canola/Rapeseed, Cereal Grains, Corn, Hops, Peanuts, Persimmons, Pomegranate, Safflower, Sorghum, Sunflowers, Flowers, Bedding Plants, Ornamentals, Greenhouse and Outdoor Nursery Crops. For a more detailed listing and crop/pest specific application rates please refer to the manufacturer's label under the DOCS tab.

Shop all BioSafe Systems products here.

This Product Controls These Pests or Diseases: Use to control the following insect pests: Achema Sphix Moth (Hornworm), Alfalfa Caterpillars, Amorbia, Armyworm, Artichoke Plume Moth, Azalea Moth, Bagworms, Banana Skipper, Batrachedira comosae (Hodges), Blueberry Leafroller, Blueberry Spanworm (Itame argillacearia), Budworms, Cankerworm, Caterpillars, Chainspotted Geometer (Cingilia catenaria), Cherry Fruitworm, Citrus Cutworm, Codling Moth, Corn Earworm, Cotton Bollworm (Helicoverpa zea), Cotton Leaf Perforator, Cotton Leafworm, Cranberry Fruitworm, Cutworms, Diamondback Moth, Duponchelia fovealis, Ello Moth (Hornworm), European Grapevine Moth, European Corn Borer, European Skipper (Essex Skipper), Fall Webworm, Filbert Leafrollers, Filbert Webworms, Fruittree Leafroller, Fruitworms, Grape Berry Moth, Grape Leaf folder, Grape Leafroller, Grapeleaf Skeletonizer, Green and Brown Spanworm, Green Cloverworm, Green Fruitworm, Gypsy Moth, Headmoths, Headworms, Hickory Shuckworm, Hornworms, Imported Cabbageworm, Io Moth, Leafrollers, Leek Moth, Light Brown Apple Moth, Loopers, Melon Pickleworm, Moths, Navel Orangeworm, Oblique Banded Leafroller, Oleaner Moth, Omnivorous Leaftier, Omnivorous Leafroller, Omnivorous Looper, Omnivrous Looper Spanworm, Opogona sacchari, Oriental Fruit Moth, Orangedog, Orange Tortix, Pandemis Leafroller, Peach Twig Borer, Pinworms, Podworms, Rannoch Looper (Itame brunneata), Redbanded Leafroller, Redhumped Caterpillars, Rindworm Complex, Roughskinned Cutworm, Saltmarsh Caterpillars, Skippers, Southwestern Corn Borer, Soybean Loopers, Spotted Cutworms, Tent Caterpillars, Thecla basilides (Geyr), Tobacco Budworm, Tobacco Hornworm, Tomato Fruitworm, Totrix Moth, Tufted Apple Budworm, Variegated Leafroller, Velveteen Caterpillars, Walnut Caterpillars, Webworms, White Marked Tussock Moth and Winter Moths (Apples Only).For a more detailed listing and crop/pest specific application rates please refer to the manufacturer's label under the DOCS tab.