Trichogramma brassicae - 1 card (30 tabs)

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Trichogramma brassicae is especially useful for controlling moth populations on cole crops. Use T. brassicae in cooler climates with low-lying plants affected by caterpillar and/or borer damage.

Timing the release is important – if you release too early there aren't enough pest eggs for the wasps to parasitize - too late means that the pest eggs have hatched and you have a new problem - caterpillar pests.

Biology & Life Cycle: Trichogramma wasps lay their eggs inside the pest eggs, stopping development. The larvae feed on the egg and then emerge as adults. The larvae take 10 days to develop within the pest moth egg, which turns brown or black as the larvae pupate. The adult wasps live anywhere from 7 to 14 days, depending on temperature and moisture and the female Trichogramma will parasitize up to 300 pest moth eggs. Eggs on cards usually hatch within 2-5 days.

Preferred food: Trichogramma parasitize the eggs of more than 200 pests including borers, webworms, loopers, leafworms, fruitworms, cutworms, bollworms, and armyworms (except beet armyworms).

Choose the correct variety for your region or crop type:

T. minutum - East of the Rockies.
T. platneri - West of the Rockies
T. pretiosum - General Parasitoid
T. brassicae - Low Lying Crops
NOTE: Emergence holes are evident under significant magnification after Trichogramma have hatched.

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